
A 'Pink' Supermoon Lit Up The Sky On Monday

Published Apr 28 2021 at 9:08 PM GMT
  • A "pink" supermoon illuminated the night sky on Monday night, peaking at 11:32 p m EDT and lasting until early Tuesday morning.
  • A supermoon occurs when the moon most closely approaches Earth, specifically within 90 percent of perigee, causing the moon to appear slightly brighter and larger than usual.
  • Though the April full moon is known as the Pink Moon, it didn't actually appear pink in the sky.
  • Instead, the supermoon appeared in an illuminated golden tone by the horizon and stark white overhead.
  • According to NASA, the name derives from the herb "moss pink," an early spring flower originating from the eastern United States.



  • Published Apr 28, 2021 9:08 PM GMT