
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to code, now is a great time to start

Published Aug 14 2020 at 9:00 AM GMT
  • Not to mention, coding is necessary for countless professions and is highly sought after by companies.
  • It is also a skill that can easily be taught online, from the comfort of your own home, and for a pretty reasonable price, depending on where you enroll.
  • Why learn to code' If you’re new here, coding is used to program websites, apps, and various other technologies that are used every day.
  • Oftentimes, coders (programmers, developers) are in high demand by companies and individuals alike — which equals pretty good job security for people who know their way around coding languages.
  • More about Coding, Online Learning, Mashable Shopping, Tech, and Work Life IMAGE: LinkedIn Learning BEST FOR YOUR RéSUMé LinkedIn Learning If you use LinkedIn regularly, this is a great option to not only expand your knowledge, but also beef up your LinkedIn profile with a certificate of completion.



  • Published Aug 14, 2020 9:00 AM GMT