
This site has over a dozen free tools to keep you from burning out

Published Sep 28 2020 at 8:00 AM GMT
  • “I was in a very bad place, and unless I made changes, I don’t know what would have happened,” he says.
  • When London entered a state of lockdown in March due to the coronavirus pandemic, Hall decided to start developing Working Den.
  • He worked with Bertie van Wyk, a London-based workplace consultant, to advise him on building the site, and he used Upwork—the same place he gets much of his freelance work—to hire psychologists, physiologists, and occupational therapists for further input.
  • Its tools are spread across two separate menus, with one at the top of the screen and one towards the middle, and the loop function for its relaxing sounds doesn’t seem to work properly.
  • It’s also easy to accidentally dismiss site’s notification approval prompt, which Working Den uses for its eye strain reminders; the only way to get those notifications back is to dig into your web browser’s settings.



  • Published Sep 28, 2020 8:00 AM GMT