
What Trump's golf courses could reveal

Published Sep 28 2020 at 3:09 PM GMT
  • The New York Times' report on President Trump's tax info shed a significant amount of new light on his businesses and personal wealth, but there are still several questions left unanswered.
  • Journalist Adam Davidson, who has reported on Trump's business dealings for The New Yorker, suggests people look to Trump's golf courses to find out more.
  • One of Davidson's big takeaways from the Times report is that Trump had a "new source of funds" beginning around 2011 after he had finished "blowing through" most of the money he received from his father, television producer Mark Burnett, and through loans.
  • It's not clear who this alleged new source of money may be, but Davidson believes golf courses could be the key.
  • In 2011, Davidson writes, Trump went into business with families from Azerbaijan, and was also "flirting" with Georgian and Kazakh businesses that have ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.



  • Published Sep 28, 2020 3:09 PM GMT